Lopifit Treadmill Walking Bike Review

One of the weirdest feelings is when you step onto one of those moving walkways, you know, you see them in airports. I mean, let’s be honest, it’s pretty much just a flat escalator that only saves you about 20 steps, but when you walk on it, your brain and body, how to adjust to that “Wait, why is my body moving faster than my feet?” feeling. Well, it turns out that those moving walkways are the perfect training wheels for what could be a new mode of transportation. That’s keeping it all in stride.

Lopifit Walking bike front

Update January, 2021:

A variant without an electric motor is also available, which can be considered as an alternative for more active use, the Current Coasters Foldable Kickbike Scooter:

Lopifit electric walking bike tech specs

Tech specs
Lopifit Bike Price:2895$
Height of the handlebar:47.2”
Front wheel:28” x 1.1/2”
Rear wheel:20” x 1.75”
Gross weight:121.2lbs
Weight limit:300lbs
Maximum speed:15mph
Range:up to 50mi
Battery:LG Cells
Battery elec. Capacity:960Wh / 20Ah
Battery Weight:5 kg
Charger, Charging time:4 Hours
Brake, front and rear:Disc Brakes

This transportation device is not your run-of-the-mill bicycle and it’s not a scooter either. It’s actually a combination of both with a treadmill in between the wheels, it’s called the Lopifit and this walking bicycle was invented by Bruin Bergmeester to keep us fit and moving.

Bruin’s idea evolved while walking on a treadmill at the gym. If you’re bored with your treadmill in a boring fitness studio, why don’t you take it out?

Bruin took this idea, went online and bought an adult scooter, also called a kick bike. He cut the bike in half and welded a frame between the wheels; a frame large enough to fit a treadmill. Eventually,  Bruin discovered that an electric motor could be incorporated to keep the treadmill running.

Creating Lopifit Bike

Why don’t you just go out and take a walk?

This is a bicycle. It can go faster, so you get more distance with this treadmill bike. It’s more interesting than normal walking. The bike first hit the streets in 2014 and now it’s taking off internationally with a growing ridership in Europe, the USA, and South America. It’s become a runaway success even in Qatar perhaps because regular cycling can be difficult in a row.

Lopifit Bike Rear and Handlebar

How to ride Lopifit bike?

Well, at first you put one foot on the kick bike. Then you kick-off and you started walking on the treadmill. When it starts rolling, there is a small computer on board that will activate the motor.

In a study, Lopifit found that 30% get into gear immediately. While 10% have major difficulties getting off to a smooth start. I am with the 60% who need a few minutes, I have to practice. It’s different than I thought. I lot faster than I thought!

So, I’ve planned all day off the city. You don’t need a license to drive a Lopift and helmets are not mandatory while practicing on a country road, but I suggest wearing one while you’re doing first miles. I find that I can stop walking and the bike still keeps moving.
After a while, I really get the hang of it, but I’m still drawing attention. I overtake most cyclists with ease, although I’m making no effort at all. Yeah, it takes some practice, but I certainly wouldn’t be able to enjoy my ice cream as much on a normal bike. This is possibly the fastest and at the same time, the most comfortable walk of my life. It was really big.

What’s inside and variations

It’s all powered by a rechargeable battery that will last about 37 miles. The bike can travel at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour, so now you can tread lightly and walk sprightly while taking a hike on a bike.

Four colors are available for this bike: blue, red, black and green:

All Colors Lopifit electric bike

The main disadvantage of this Lopifit bike is its cost. It is really very high, especially compared to the top-end conventional electric bikes. You can check its price in the USA on Amazon

Due to the fact that the price is very high, perhaps one of our readers will be interested in creating a business for renting such electric bicycles in their city. I think many will be interested in trying a 10-30 minute ride on such a bike.

11 thoughts on “Lopifit Treadmill Walking Bike Review

  • 04/16/2020 at 17:46

    That is the weirdest treadmill bike I’ve ever seen! Only dutch people could come up with this kind of bicycle. Very interesting)

  • 09/13/2020 at 19:14

    I’m interested to order a first lote of 50 Unit of Electric walking bikes to be sent to Santa Marta city, Colombia in South America.

    please give me an estimation for this 50 units.

    Regards, Wilmer Cabrera, +14034724939

  • 09/14/2020 at 17:47

    It would be interesting to see if eventually by walking on the bike it also recharges the battery to provide consistent transportation without the worry of having to plug it in.

    • 09/15/2020 at 14:11

      Yep, that is a really good and obvious feature for that kind of vehicle!

  • 09/15/2020 at 05:42

    Will there be a Lopifit treadmill that I can run on in the future? I would like to move a bit faster than 15MPH.

    • 09/15/2020 at 14:13

      The future of this project in the USA is currently unclear, it is not known if they will make new models of bikes.

  • 09/16/2020 at 15:24

    This is very cool. Can you tell me why I would prefer walking on it to peddling a bicycle?

    • 09/24/2020 at 17:24

      For the same reason that people use hoverboards, electric scooters, etc. Just for fun)

  • 09/24/2020 at 03:19

    Is there a way to continue riding this if you add a repositioning seat? I can’t stand for a long time. Yes the comment of the recharging battery is a must.

  • 05/11/2023 at 19:09

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

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